Is there a way to improve the following query?
I would need an optimized version of the following query.
The reason I'm joining the Date_Table
multiple times is because the ID and date_value
columns are not in ascending order.
ID = 1, date_value = '2022-09-07'; ID = 2, date_value = '2022-02-02'; ID = 3, date_value = '2022-11-12';
The maximum Date from the Agreements
table is calculated based on the Date_Table.date_value
column. The query will only return a row. In this case, the row highlighted in green will be the result.
Thank you so much!
SELECT * FROM Agreement
dim_date_id = (
MAX(Date_Table.date_value) AS date_value
FROM Agreement
ON Agreement.DIM_DATE_ID = Date_Table.ID
) AS last_day
ON last_day.date_value = Date_Table.date_value
If Agreement is a large table, you should first find all the distinct date_ids, then join it to Date_Table. Also use a rank() windowing function to find the id of the most recent record:
Select Agreement.* From Agreement Inner Join (
Select ID From (
Select Date_Table.ID
,rank() Over (Order by Date_Table.date_value desc) as recent
From Date_Table Inner Join (
Select Distinct Dim_Date_ID as ID From Agreement
) A On A.ID=Date_Table.ID
) where recent=1
) X On Agreement.DIM_DATE_ID = X.ID
On first glance this looks just as complicated as your original query. But it quickly reduces the Agreement results to only a list of date ids, and especially if that field is indexed it is a fast query. Date_Table is then Inner Joined to find the best (most recent) Date_Value using a rank() function. The whole thing is filtered to retain only one record, the most recent, and that date_id is used to filter Agreement.
Again, I recommend that you index Agreement.Dim_Date_ID to make this query perform well.