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Android Room JOIN query splits results in to lists of size 1

I have 2 Android room tables books and persons. Every book has a foreign key called owner_id which assigns it to a person entity. I am now trying to get a map that gives me a list of Books to each Person.

For that I am using this Method inside my DAO class :

@Query("SELECT * FROM books JOIN persons ON = book.owner_id")
public abstract Map<Person, List<Book>> getMap();

this returns a Map like this: undesired result

instead of my ideal Result: enter image description here

My Room classes look like this:

public class Person {

    public UUID id;
    public String name="";
    public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
        if(obj instanceof  Person)
            return ((Person) obj).equals(id);
        return super.equals(obj);

    public int hashCode() {
        return id.hashCode();

public class Book {

    public UUID id;
    public UUID owner_id;
    public String name="";
    public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
        if(obj instanceof  Book)
            return ((Book) obj).equals(id);
        return super.equals(obj);

    public int hashCode() {
        return id.hashCode();

@Database(entities = {Person.class,Book.class}, version = 1)
public abstract class LibarayDB extends RoomDatabase {
    public abstract LibarayDBdao libarayDBdao();

How can i get the returned map to contain only the key Person X once with a list of Book A and Book B as a value?


  • You use a POJO that has the Person member embedded, i.e. annotated with @Embedded and a List related i.e. annotated with @Relation.

    You then use an @Query, preceded by @Transaction, to SELECT the respective Persons (no need for the JOIN) returning a List<> of the POJO.

    As an example :-

    class PersonWithListOfRelatedBooks {
       Person person;
               entity = Book.class,
               parentColumn = "id",
               entityColumn = "owner_id"
       List<Book> bookList;

    and :-

    @Query("SELECT * FROM person")
    List<PersonWithListOfRelatedBooks> getPersonWithRelatedBooks();


    Using code modified for convenience

    • Longs for id's so no need for type converters
    • .allowMainThreadQueries, so can run on the main thread

    The Book class :-

            /* ADDED as a suggestion (enforces referential integrity) */
            /* NOTE will fail if child(Book) is added without a parent (Person) */
            foreignKeys = {
                            entity = Person.class,
                            parentColumns = {"id"},
                            childColumns = {"owner_id"},
                            /* Optional but helps to maintain referential integrity */
                            onDelete = ForeignKey.CASCADE,
                            onUpdate = ForeignKey.CASCADE
    public class Book {
        public Long id; /* CHANGED FOR convenience */
        public Long owner_id; /* CHANGED FOR convenience */
        public String name="";
        public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
            if(obj instanceof  Book)
                return ((Book) obj).equals(id);
            return super.equals(obj);
        public int hashCode() {
            return id.hashCode();

    The Person class :-

    public class Person {
       public Long id;  /* CHANGED FOR convenience */
       public String name="";
       public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
          if(obj instanceof  Person)
             return ((Person) obj).equals(id);
          return super.equals(obj);
       public int hashCode() {
          return id.hashCode();

    The LibarayDao interface :-

    interface LibarayDBdao {
        @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
        long insert(Person person);
        @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.IGNORE)
        long insert(Book book);
        @Query("SELECT * FROM person")
        List<PersonWithListOfRelatedBooks> getPersonWithRelatedBooks();

    The PersonWithListOfRelatedBooks class (as above)

    The LibarayDB abstract class :-

    @Database(entities = {Person.class,Book.class}, version = 1, exportSchema = false /* ADDED to suppress warning */)
    //@TypeConverters({Converters.class}) /* Commented out for convenience */
    public abstract class LibarayDB extends RoomDatabase {
        public abstract LibarayDBdao libarayDBdao();
        private static volatile LibarayDB instance;
        public static LibarayDB getInstance(Context context) {
            if (instance==null) {
                instance = Room.databaseBuilder(context,LibarayDB.class,"libaray.db")
                        .allowMainThreadQueries() /* for convenience and brevity of the demonstration */
            return instance;

    Some activity code:-

    public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
        LibarayDB db;
        LibarayDBdao dao;
        protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            db = LibarayDB.getInstance(this);
            dao = db.libarayDBdao();
            Person personX = new Person();
   = "PersonX";
            long personXId = dao.insert(personX);
            Book book = new Book();
   = "BookA";
            book.owner_id = personXId;
   = "BookB";
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            for(PersonWithListOfRelatedBooks pwrb: dao.getPersonWithRelatedBooks()) {
                for (Book b: pwrb.bookList) {
                    sb.append("\n\tBook is " +;
                Log.d("DBINFO","Person is " + + " and has " + pwrb.bookList.size() + " books:-" + sb);

    RESULT (as output to the log) :-

    D/DBINFO: Person is PersonX and has 2 books:-
            Book is BookA
            Book is BookB

    The Database (via App Inspection) :-

    enter image description here

    and :-

    enter image description here