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Selector type of expression is ambiguous without more context

I'm trying to get ARSessionDelegate method using selector, but im getting this error: Type of expression is ambiguous without more context

There is mine code:

#selector(ARSessionDelegate.session(_:didUpdate:) as ((ARSessionDelegate) -> (ARSession, ARFrame) -> Void)) 

That's how this method looks like:

public protocol ARSessionDelegate : ARSessionObserver {
    optional func session(_ session: ARSession, didUpdate frame: ARFrame)

And also, I am trying to make an rx extension for the ARKit session using this answer, but im not sure it's caused the problem.


  • Because there are multiple methods with the same selector name, you are forced to implement the method in the delegate and forward the calls using a subject. Like this:

    extension ARSession: HasDelegate { }
    extension Reactive where Base: ARSession {
        var delegate: ARSessionDelegateProxy {
            return ARSessionDelegateProxy.proxy(for: base)
        var didUpdate: Observable<ARFrame> {
            return delegate.didUpdate.asObservable()
    final class ARSessionDelegateProxy
    : DelegateProxy<ARSession, ARSessionDelegate>
    , DelegateProxyType
    , ARSessionDelegate {
        init(parentObject: ARSession) {
                parentObject: parentObject,
                delegateProxy: ARSessionDelegateProxy.self
        deinit {
        public static func registerKnownImplementations() {
            self.register { ARSessionDelegateProxy(parentObject: $0) }
        func session(_ session: ARSession, didUpdate frame: ARFrame) {
        fileprivate let didUpdate = PublishSubject<ARFrame>()