Setup: IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.2, Erlang 25.0
I am trying to run the Erlang code available at I am able to run in werl and Windows command line. But I am getting the error "init terminating in do_boot" when I run in IntelliJ.
I checked a similar issue reported in this question , wherein the solution was to convert list input to integer/s. However, my Erlang code does not expect any input, it just expects the function name.
Please provide a pointer to resolve the issue.
"C:\Program Files\Erlang OTP\bin\erl.exe" -pa F:/1TB/P/workspace-IntelliJ-Erlang1/out/production/workspace-IntelliJ-Erlang1 -pa F:/1TB/P/workspace-IntelliJ-Erlang1 -eval send_recv:run(). -s init stop -noshell
{"init terminating in do_boot",{undef,[{send_recv,run,[],[]},{erl_eval,do_apply,7,[{file,"erl_eval.erl"},{line,744}]},{init,start_it,1,[{file,"init.erl"},{line,1234}]},{init,start_em,1,[{file,"init.erl"},{line,1220}]},{init,do_boot,3,[{file,"init.erl"},{line,910}]}]}}
init terminating in do_boot ({undef,[{send_recv,run,[],[]},{erl_eval,do_apply,7,[{_},{_}]},{init,start_it,1,[{_},{_}]},{init,start_em,1,[{_},{_}]},{init,do_boot,3,[{_},{_}]}]})
Crash dump is being written to: erl_crash.dump...done
I configured RunConfiguration to BUILD before RUNNING ("Before launch" section). As result, RunConfiguration was creating an empty folder "../out/production/workspace-IntelliJ-Erlang1" without .beam files, if the folder does not exist. It would delete any existing .beam files if the folder exists. Hence, the RUN was failing eventually.
As a workaround, I removed the BUILD before RUNNING option from RunConfiguration. And, I manually built using BuildProject before RunConfiguration.
TODO: I will check why was not RunConfiguration able to generate the .beam file.