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GuardClauseAssertion does not fail if limited to only public constructors

Why does this unit test not fail when no guard clause is present?

  public void ConstructorLooksGuardedAgainstNulls()
    // ARRANGE
    var fixture = new Fixture();
    var assertion = fixture.Create<GuardClauseAssertion>();

    // ACT & ASSERT

Classes used in unit test:

  public class TestBaseClass
    private readonly string _firstDependency;
    private readonly string _secondDependency;

    protected TestBaseClass(string firstDependency, string secondDependency)
      _firstDependency = firstDependency;
      _secondDependency = secondDependency;

  public class TestClass : TestBaseClass
    public TestClass(string firstDependency)
      : base(firstDependency, string.Empty)

I removed all the irrelevant lines.


  • This will return all public constructors, and then the test will fail as expected:


    The version with the BindingFlags parameter doesn't return the public constructors (although it reads like it really should do). Because no constructor are found, the test passes
