this is a min-priority queue in javascript. i can't get dequeue to work. it says in console TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'priority'). i'm able to insert all the nodes into an array. when i console the array after dequeue-ing, it returns the correct number of nodes. i just can't return the oldNode after the 1st oldNode.
class PriorityQueue {
this.values = [];
enqueue(value, priority){
let newNode = new Node(value, priority);
let childIndex = this.values.length - 1;
let parentIndex = Math.floor((childIndex - 1) / 2);
while(childIndex > 0 && this.values[childIndex].priority < this.values[parentIndex].priority){
let temp = this.values[childIndex];
this.values[childIndex] = this.values[parentIndex];
this.values[parentIndex] = temp;
childIndex = parentIndex;
parentIndex = Math.floor((childIndex - 1) / 2);
if(!this.values.length) return null;
//swap root and highest number element
this.swap(0, this.values.length - 1);
let oldNode = this.values.pop();
let parent = 0, childLeft = 1, childRight = 2;
let min = Math.min(this.values[childLeft].priority, this.values[childRight].priority);
while(this.values[parent].priority > min){
let child = this.values[childLeft].priority === min ? childLeft : childRight;
this.swap(parent, child);
parent = child;
//get children of current parent
childLeft = parent * 2 + 1;
childRight = parent * 2 + 2;
min = Math.min(this.values[childLeft].priority, this.values[childRight].priority);
return oldNode;
swap(index1, index2){
[this.values[index1], this.values[index2]] = [this.values[index2], this.values[index1]];
class Node{
constructor(value, priority){
this.value = value;
this.priority = priority;
There are a few issues:
The swap
method isn't swapping: the indexes should be reversed on one of the two sides of the assignment.
The dequeue
method is making accesses to the values
array that are beyond its length. For instance, if there is only one element in the heap (after the pop), then childLeft
and childRight
are both out of range, and this.values[childLeft].priority
will attempt to get the priority
property from an undefined value, which leads to the error you got. But even if the values
array has more entries, this situation can occur in the loop as well. When childLeft
and childRight
get updated values, the last statement in the loop body will not check whether this indices are still within the valid range.
To avoid the code repetition you already have (the two statements before the loop look the similar to the last two statements in the loop body), I would actually make that range check your loop condition, and make the condition you currently use a check that is made half-way the loop body.
Here is a correction:
if (!this.values.length) return null;
//swap root and highest number element
this.swap(0, this.values.length - 1);
let oldNode = this.values.pop();
let parent = 0;
while (parent * 2 + 1 < this.values.length) { // While the parent has at least one child
// get child(ren) of current parent
let child = parent * 2 + 1; // right child is just next to it. No need for an extra variable.
// if there is a right child(!), take it when it has a lesser rank than the left child
if (child + 1 < this.values.length && this.values[child].priority > this.values[child + 1].priority) {
child++; // Choose the right child, as it has the lesser rank
// Exit when parent has a lesser rank than its child(ren)
if (this.values[parent].priority < this.values[child].priority) break;
this.swap(parent, child);
parent = child;
return oldNode;
swap(index1, index2){
[this.values[index1], this.values[index2]] = [this.values[index2], this.values[index1]]; // fixed