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How to integrate Appium to test SMS receving in a web app test framework built with WebdriverIO JS?

current structure of web application testing framework built with webdriverIO JS. (exmple of testing signup)

├── Tests
│   ├──signup.spec.js
├── Pages
│   ├── SignUp.js
├── wdio.conf.js   

sigup.spec.js where to test Signup functionality

describe('Account Registration', () => {
  it('should Enter valid phone number to create a new Account ', () => {
   // here need to open phone and check sms received using appium
  // now put the SMS otp number in the webapp
     expect(this.AlertMessage.getText()).toContain('you have registered successfully');

my wdio.conf.js contains cofguration for web app automation using chrome driver so how to add Appium configuration to that also ? PS : this has to be added to test that our service is sending SMS properlly.


  • Appium allows to access and open a preinstalled native app instead of running an application using APK, here is the full script Android Launch already installed App, along with wdio configuration of Appium. Also a very helpfull youtube tutorial that answer my question in details.