A recent message from the CRAN team involving the archival of the package ìsoband
mention that all those package relying on this one will also be archived:
archiving this will necessitate also archiving its CRAN strong reverse dependencies
However, I checked in my DESCRIPTION file and isoband
is not part of my own package's dependencies. So I am assuming that my package relies on a package which itself relies on isoband
How can I identify which of the package in my DESCRIPTION file itself depends on isoband
I have seen functions and packages such as revdepcheck
but none works at this time.
The function pak::pkg_deps_explain()
allows you to find the connection between your package and isoband
pak::pkg_deps_explain("superb", "isoband")
#> superb -> ggplot2 -> isoband
Created on 2022-10-05 with reprex v2.0.2