I have an array of observables. Lets say:
const responses$: Observable<Response>[] = [
I want to solve them in batches of size, let's say, 2, meaning that I will just have 2 batches in the end. Also, this batch management has to be sequential: I do not want to send the requests 3 and 4 (second batch) until the requests 1 and 2 (first batch) have been resolved.
Also, I want to retrieve the result of all the batches together, meaning that even if I have N batches, I just want my subscribe to receive one single result of all of them.
I have tried everything and I do not find an Rxjs-exclusive way of doing it. My real problem is that I am dealing with +2000 concurrent requests to an API that returns files that does not allow for that many requests at the same time, so what I want to do is to use sequential batches so that the API doesn't get overwhelmed.
You can first group the observables into batches:
const responses: Observable<string>[] = [
// ...
const batchSize = 2;
const groupedResponses: Observable<string>[][] = [];
while(responses.length) {
groupedResponses.push(responses.splice(0, batchSize));
And then merge the batches and concat them like this:
...groupedResponses.map((group) => merge(...group))