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Fiware Orion MQTT notification not working (anymore)

I don’t know where to look anymore, maybe someone has an idea what’s going wrong?

I created an MQTT subscription on my Orion Context Broker:

"description": "Subscription to notify of all WaterQualityObserved changes",
"subject": {
    "entities": [{
        "idPattern": ".*",
        "type": "WaterQualityObserved"
     "condition": {
            "attrs": []
"notification": {
    "mqtt": {
        "url": "mqtt://",
        "topic": "water-quality-observed-changed"


I have both my Orion Context Broker and Mosquitto MQTT broker running locally in Docker containers. I get this when listing the subscriptions in my Orion CB:

    "id": "633bf12fe929777b6a60242b",
    "description": "MQTT subscription to notify of all WaterQualityObserved changes",
    "status": "active",
    "subject": {
        "entities": [
                "idPattern": ".*",
                "type": "WaterQualityObserved"
        "condition": {
            "attrs": []
    "notification": {
        "timesSent": 3,
        "lastNotification": "2022-10-04T08:47:55.000Z",
        "attrs": [],
        "onlyChangedAttrs": false,
        "attrsFormat": "normalized",
        "mqtt": {
            "url": "mqtt://",
            "topic": "water-quality-observed-changed",
            "qos": 0
        "lastFailure": "2022-10-04T08:47:55.000Z",
        "failsCounter": 3,
        "covered": false


As you can see “timesSent” augments when I PATCH the entity.

The strange thing is it worked before!

Any idea what I’m doing wrong?




  • The "The strange thing is it worked before!" sentence make me think it has to do with connectivity between container. I'd suggest to review all the involved connectivity (Orion -> MQTT broker, MQTT broker -> your MQTT subscriber). If that doesn't help, a re-deploy of all the docker containers could help.