In docker we can pass in a build argument via --build-arg:
docker build --build-arg CACHEBUST="$(date)" . -t container-name:latest
Is there an equivalent method for gcloud
? The below will not work:
gcloud beta builds submit --tag="${PROJECT_NAME}/${name}" --no-cache --build-arg CACHEBUST="$(date)"
The gcloud builds submit
command doesn't have an option to specify --build-arg
. An alternative workaround is that you need to use a YAML file and pass it with the gcloud builds submit
See below sample code:
# Need YAML to set --build-arg
- name: ''
args: ['build', '-t', '${PROJECT_ID}/$sample-docker-repo/sample-image:latest', --build-arg CACHEBUST="$(date)" --no-cache', '.']
Then, start the build by running this sample command:
gcloud builds submit --tag[PROJECT_ID]/sample-docker-repo/sample-image:latest