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Spim Instruction division

[0x00400000]    0x3c011000  lui $1, 4096                    ; 5: li $t0, 0x100000F4
[0x00400004]    0x342800f4  ori $8, $1, 244
[0x00400008]    0x8d100000  lw $16, 0($8)                   ; 6: lw $s0, 0($t0)

the above is my spim program, I am curious about the li instruction getting divied into lui and ori could anyone explain what is going on there?

any help appreciated thanks!!


  • li is a pseudo-instruction (ie, it doesn't exist as an opcode on processors). it is always expanded into a 'load upper immediate'; and an 'or with immediate' instruction:

    effectively: (4096 << 16) || 244

    The lui instruction will be skipped if the number is not large; and ori will or with the 0 register.