My server receives a real-time developer notifications (RTDN) from Google Play. Now what?
How to check whether RTDN by Google Play comes from Google, not from a hacker? Suppose I use purchases.products.get
API to check it. Then a hacker could send me repeated RTDN, what would lead my server into thinking that purchase happened two times (when it was really one time).
I want my server to top the user account on every purchase from my app. I want the amount of purchase to be arbitrary (specified by the user). Should I include the amount in dollars into product productId
/SKU like: credit-$0.78
Also, it is unclear how to determine the installation ID of the app (a UUID I store in app data on installation) for which the purchase was done. Should I include the UUID in productId
A special case of sensitive data and logic that should be handled in the backend is purchase verification. After a user has made a purchase, you should do the following:
[skipping about verification of subscriptions]