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How to define ner_model in spacy

def all_ents(v):
        return [(ent.text, ent.label_) for ent in ner_model(v).ents]

df1['Entities'] = df1['text'].apply(lambda v: all_ents(v))


when executing this shows ner_model not defined can I please know how to define ner model in spacy


  • Something tells me you are not loading your spaCy model properly. Not knowing how df1 looks like, I decided to go with one of my own, as follows:

    import spacy
    import pandas as pd
    # Building my own `df1`, it should look similar to yours
    texts = [
        "Net income was $9.4 million compared to the prior year of $2.7 million.",
        "Revenue exceeded twelve billion dollars, with a loss of $1b.",
        "I don't have any entity in me"
    df1 = pd.DataFrame(texts, columns =['text'])
    # Loading spaCy model
    model_to_use = "en_core_web_lg"  # Or use the path to your own model
    ner_model = spacy.load(model_to_use)
    # Your code works now
    def all_ents(v):
            return [(ent.text, ent.label_) for ent in ner_model(v).ents]
    df1['Entities'] = df1['text'].apply(lambda v: all_ents(v))


    In my own experience, if df1 is considerably large (i.e., it contains thousands of sentences), you may want to convert df1["text"] into a list or a generator, and then apply these hints. If that's not your case or if your are not interested in an speed-optimal code, then do not pay attention to this note and go ahead with your current implementation.