I am trying to convert this working code to a slash command one but it doesn't work
The code i am trying to convert: (minimal)
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discord import Intents
import animec
intents = Intents.all()
intents.members = True
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='$', intents=intents)
async def anime(ctx, *, query):
anime = animec.Anime(query)
embedanime = discord.Embed(title= anime.title_english, url= anime.url, description= f"{anime.description[:1000]}...", color=0x774dea)
await ctx.send(embed=embedanime)
I tried to do it the same way as other slash commands but it did not respond
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from discord import Intents, Option
import animec
intents = Intents.all()
intents.members = True
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='$', intents=intents)
@bot.slash_command(name="anime", description="Search for an anime on MAL", guild=discord.Object(id=824342611774144543))
async def anime(interaction: discord.Interaction, *, search: Option(str, description="What anime you want to search for?", required=True)):
anime = animec.Anime(search)
embedanime = discord.Embed(title= anime.title_english, url= anime.url, description= f"{anime.description[:1000]}...", color=0x774dea)
await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embedanime)
The error i am getting when i try the slash command:
Application Command raised an exception:
NotFound: 404 Not Found (error code: 10062):
Unknown interaction
Firstly, pycord uses contexts and takes the integer IDs for guild_ids
For the error, the command might be taking more than 3 seconds to respond (probably because of animec.Anime(search)
). You can use await ctx.defer()
to postpone responding to the interaction if it takes longer than 3 seconds.
So you should instead be doing:
@bot.slash_command(name="anime", description="Search for an anime on MAL", guild_ids=[824342611774144543])
async def anime(ctx: discord.ApplicationContext, *, search = Option(str, description="What anime you want to search for?", required=True)):
await ctx.defer()
anime = animec.Anime(search)
embedanime = discord.Embed(title=anime.title_english, url=anime.url, description=f"{anime.description[:1000]}...", color=0x774dea)
await ctx.respond(embed=embedanime)