A component that takes the data that is available in the App.js file, and displays the data. However the component is not showing up. When I use the inspect tool, the Content component is not showing in elements tab.There are no error messages being displayed on the console. I have exported the Content component, and imported it on the App.js file. Content.js
const Content = (props) => {
export default Content
import Header from './components/header'
import Content from './components/content'
function App() {
const course = 'Half Stack application development'
const part1 = 'Fundamentals of React'
const exercises1 = 10
const part2 = 'Using props to pass data'
const exercises2 = 7
const part3 = 'State of a component'
const exercises3 = 14
return (
<div className="App">
<Header course= {course}/>
<Content part1 = {part1} exercises1 = {exercises1}/>
<p>Number of exercises = {exercises1 + exercises2+ exercises3}</p>
export default App;
When you use multi line syntax with {}, you need to declare a return function, otherwise it returns nothing. This is the issue you were running into - happens all the time. You can either explicitly state a return or as i've done below, simply change the curly brackets to soft brackets.
const Content = (props) => (
export default Content