The goal is to create a node with a label in it. A label must count vertically from column 1, then proceed into another column. After doing some research with the "foreach" statement, I achieved this result by using this code.
\tikzstyle{d}=[draw,circle,minimum size=10mm]
\foreach \x in {1,2,3}
\foreach \y in {-1,...,-5}{
\node[d] at (1.5*\x,1.5*\y) {};
\foreach \x in {1}
\foreach \y in {-1,...,-5}{
\node at (1.5*\x,1.5*\y) {\label};
\foreach \x in {2}
\foreach \y in {-1,...,-5}{
\node at (1.5*\x,1.5*\y) {\label};
\foreach \x in {3}
\foreach \y in {-1,...,-5}{
\node at (1.5*\x,1.5*\y) {\label};
Is there a simpler or more efficient way to achieve the same result? Any advice is welcome, and I am grateful for it.
Not sure about "simpler" but the code can definitely be more "parametric", hence easier to alter. You can use evaluate
inside \foreach
loops as well as macros, such as \pgfmathsetmacro{<name>}{<value>}
. Also, the style d
can be parameterised inlcuding the default value
d/.style = {draw,circle,minimum size=#1}, % d is parametrised with
d/.default = 10mm, % the default value of 10 mm
\pgfmathsetmacro{\scale}{1.25} % parameters for the grid
\foreach \j in {1,...,\maxcols} {
\foreach \i [
evaluate=\n using {int(\i+\maxrows*(\j-1))},
evaluate=\y using {\scale*(\maxcols-\i-1)},
evaluate=\x using {\scale*(\j-1)},
] in {1,...,\maxrows} {
\node[d=12mm] at (\x, \y) {\n};}}