I have developed a database on Astra db, a DaaS application. I ran into some issues trying to connect it to MATLAB and would like some possible explanations and maybe solutions as to why this happened.
I tried using a secure bundle and an ODCB driver. However, I was not able to connect to the database on either approach.
If any further information is needed, comment and I will update this post.
Give the following articles a read if you haven't already...
Give the following a try...
Step-1: From the Astra console, generate an application token - see Manage application tokens for guidance. To make things simple, the token's role to "Administrator User". Save the client id, client secret, and token. You'll need them later.
Step-2: From the Astra console, download the secure-connection-bundle for your database. From the main dashboard, click on your database, choose the Connect tab, and click the Download Bundle button.
Step-3: Unzip the secure connection bundle and open the config.json
file. Pull the host and port from the file.
Step-4: In Matlab, script your connection and query out. You'll need the Database Toolbox if you're trying this from Matlab online.
datasource = "CassandraDataSource";
username = "<client_id>";
password = "<client_secret>";
conn = apacheCassandra(datasource, username, password, 'ContactPoints', <host>, 'PortNumber', <port>, 'SSLEnabled', true);
query = strcat("SELECT whatevs ", ...
"FROM keyspace.table ", ...
"WHERE primary_key IN ('foo','bar')";
results = executecql(conn, query);
Good luck!