I have a csv file and it have multiple columns. I have a specific column name called "Exported_Id" and it look something like this
I'm just wondering how can I split to only this (Spliting before and after _ )
and then add it to a new column call "Modified_Id" and export it with existing columns into new csv file.
I'm kinda stuck so any help or suggestion would be really appreciated.
$CSVImport = Import-CSV $Global:Advance_CSV
foreach($CSVLine in $CSVImport){
$CSVExportedID = $CSVLine.Exported_Id
$Modified_Id= $CSVExportedID -split "__"
Select-Object $Modified_Id, "Modified_Id" | Export-Csv $ModifiedFile
You can use a calculated property to extend your existing data set
foreach($CSVLine in $CSVImport){
$CSVLine |
Select-Object -Property *,
Name = 'Modified_Id';
Expression = {($_.Exported_Id -split "_")[-2]}
$Result |
Format-Table -AutoSize