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Iterating though an array of structs in C

Can someone explain this for loop to me?

struct {
  int lock;   // not used in Lab
  struct proc proc[NPROC];
} ptable;

void scheduler(void){
struct proc *p;

  for(p = ptable.proc; p < &ptable.proc[NPROC]; p++){
    if(p == curr_proc || p->state != RUNNABLE)

    // Switch to chosen process.
    curr_proc = p;
    p->state = RUNNING;


Mostly I'm asking about the for loop

  for(p = ptable.proc; p < &ptable.proc[NPROC]; p++){

What does assigning the pointer p to ptable.proc do? And how do I access the struct proc's members/variables?


  • Mostly I'm asking about the for loop

    for(p = ptable.proc; p < &ptable.proc[NPROC]; p++){
    p = ptable.proc

    Here the array ptable.proc decays into a pointer to the first element in the array and p is assigned this pointer. It's the same as doing p = &ptable.proc[0].

    p < &ptable.proc[NPROC]

    Here p is compared with the address one element outside the array bounds (out of bounds). ptable.proc[NPROC - 1] is the last element within bounds.


    This steps the pointer to point at the next struct proc in the struct proc array.

    So, the for-loop as a whole starts by making p point at the first struct proc in the array and iterates through all the elements in the array until p points outside the array, then it terminates the loop.

    Here's an alternative loop with the same result to visualize what's going on:

    // for(p = ptable.proc; p < &ptable.proc[NPROC]; p++){
    for(int idx = 0; idx < NPROC; idx++) {
        p = &ptable.proc[idx];   // or:   p = ptable.proc + idx;
        // the rest of the loop body goes here ...

    And how do I access the struct proc's members/variables?

    You dereference the pointer p with the -> operator to access the members of the element p is pointing at. p->state accesses the state member in the struct proc that p is currently pointing at.