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Why does implicit conversion not work with PartialFunction

Say I define the following:

type Func1 = PartialFunction[Int, String]
case class A(f: Int => String)
implicit def toA(func: Func1): A = A(func(_))

Then I might want to use the implicit conversion thus:

val a: A = {
    case i: Int => i.toString

But this does now compile. However explicit use of the function is fine:

val a: A = toA({
    case i: Int => i.toString

Why is this?


  • val f = {
      case i: Int => i.toString

    doesn't compile either:

    missing parameter type for expanded function

    The argument types of an anonymous function must be fully known. (SLS 8.5)

    Expected type was: ?

    val f = {

    According to Scaladocs, working code is

    val f: PartialFunction[Int, String] = {
      case i: Int => i.toString

    If you want implicit conversion try

    val a: A = {
      case i: Int => i.toString
    } : PartialFunction[Int, String]