I have a Nuxt 2 application with a the following vuex
(v3) state and simple mutation:
state: {
bulletsList: [],
bulletsDict: {},
// ...
mutations: {
createBullet(state, data) {
// Compute index based on some criteria...
idx = ...
// Non-state test
// Only to check sanity, not in actual code...
dictCopy = structuredClone(state.bulletsDict)
Vue.set(dictCopy, data.id, data)
// END test
// Update list
state.bulletsList.splice(idx, 0, data)
// Update dict
Vue.set(state.bulletsDict, data.id, data)
// ...
As long as the list and dict are small everything is fine, but once they get larger (currently ~6000 entries each) the mutations get extremely slow, ~50-100ms each (MacBook Pro 2018) for splice
and set
The test on a copy of the dict, which is not part of the state is very fast ~0.01ms.
Is that a problem of vue
/ vuex
reactivity, or my code somehow, and is there any way to make it faster?
It turns out that strict mode was turned on in my vuex
setup, which added ~50-100ms to the splice and set operations. With strict = false
both operations take less than 1ms.
More details on that here: https://vuex.vuejs.org/guide/strict.html