I'm trying to extract all the unicode characters of emojis using presto regexp_extract_all function, but its is storing everything as an individual element in the array. what is wrong with my regexp
sample text
{% case {{api_trigger_properties.${subj_line} | default: 1}} %} {% when 1 %} \u2614\ufe0f Today\u2019s forecast: Your favorite, no umbrella necessary. {% when 2 %} \U0001f4a6 Today\u2019s forecast: cold rain and warm, delicious {% when 3 %} \U0001f4a6 Looks like weather in {{api_trigger_properties.${city} | default: 'your neighborhood'}}! {% when 4 %} You keep dry \u2614\ufe0f We\u2019ll keep delivering \U0001f697 {% when 5 %} \U0001f327 Get out \U0001f64b\U0001f3fb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\U0001f64b\U0001f3fe\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\U0001f64b\U0001f3ff\u200d\u2640\ufe0f {% when 6 %} ! \U0001f327 {% when 7 %} \U0001f4a6 Perfect weather for letting us drop off your {% when 8 %} Hey, just dropping in about the rainy weather {% when 9 %} Rain alert! Order in and let us weather the storm {% when 10 %} {{${first_name} | default: 'Friend' | capitalize}}, we\u2019ll handle your rainy day {% else %} You keep dry \u2614\ufe0f We\u2019ll keep delivering \U0001f697 {% endcase %}
select statement
select regexp_extract_all(subject, '\\(?i)u([0-9a-f]{4,8})*|\\(?i)u([0-9a-f]{4,8})')
expected output
'\u2614\ufe0f','\u2019','\U0001f4a6', '\u2019', '\U0001f4a6','\u2614\ufe0f', '\u2019', '\U0001f4a6', '\u2614\ufe0f', '\U0001f697', '\U0001f327', '\U0001f64b\U0001f3fb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\U0001f64b\U0001f3fe\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\U0001f64b\U0001f3ff\u200d\u2640\ufe0f','\U0001f327','\U0001f4a6','\u2019','\u2614\ufe0f','\u2019'
You can use
array_join(regexp_extract_all(subject, '\\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4,8}'), ', ')
The \\u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4,8}
regex matches \u
and then four to eight hex letters/digits.
The array_join(..., ', ')
joins the matches found with a comma + space.