I've recently updated my @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin
and @typescript-eslint/parser
from 5.9.1
to 5.38.1
, and it's led my eslint .
to begin complaining that purely-numeric object indices aren't allowed in my code. Is there some way to configure my ESLint to enforce a convention but not exclude numbers?
EDIT: the warning seems to only appear when numerical indices are not in square brackets, as in the example below. So the in-code fix seems easy enough - just add square brackets to any constants - but it would be good if ESLint reacted consistently!
My .eslintrc
contains the following:
'@typescript-eslint/naming-convention': ['warn', {
'selector': 'property',
'format': ['strictCamelCase']
I would like to be able to have an object (say, in a test file) like:
0: true, // should be accepted; currently raises a warning
8: false, // should be accepted; currently raises a warning
[12]: true, // accepted
"foo": "bar", // accepted
"foo-bar": "baz" // should cause a warning because not strictCamelCase
The above numeric indices give the following error:
warning Object Literal Property name `3` must match one of the following formats: strictCamelCase @typescript-eslint/naming-convention
I was able to get the expected results using the filter
property described in the rule.
'@typescript-eslint/naming-convention': ['warn', {
'selector': 'property',
'format': ['strictCamelCase'],
'filter': { 'regex': '\\d+', 'match': false }
The idea is to exclude property names that consist only of digits from being checked against the camel case format. The pattern '\\d+'
matches digit-only identifiers as required.