Very recently I started learning Azure Data Factory from youtube resource. As part of learning, I created a container under a storage account; while going through the creation steps, there is a drop-down for the label: public access level, with options 1. private (no anonymous access), 2. Blob (anonymous read access for blob only), 3. Container(anonymous access for containers and blobs). This is where I got a doubt as follows: when we create a container under a storage account, is it specific to type of data object, say, Blob, Queues, Files and etc? Further, when I tried to search for creating containers microsoft documentation, the documentation is associated with Blob documentation, not just containers in storage account. Please find the attachment of the screenshot.
Would anyone please help me understand the scenario.
Thank you for your time and kind concern;
A container is just for blobs. Files and queues have their own structure:
The docs explain is very well:
When configuring the public access level you can configure the whole container and all blobs inside to be public accessible or for blobs only or not at all.