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AAD B2C MSAL for python Token Validation without the public key in JWKS_URI

When trying to validate my token using this code from MSAL library

cache = _load_cache()  # This web app maintains one cache per session

    cca = _build_msal_app(cache=cache)

    accounts = cca.get_accounts()

    if accounts:  # So all account(s) belong to the current signed-in user

        result = cca.acquire_token_silent(scope, account=accounts[0])


        return result

I grab the id_token from the returned dictionary which is base64 encoded. And it returns a header of:


  "typ": "JWT",

  "alg": "RS256",

  "kid": "X5eXk4xyojNFum1kl2Ytv8dlNP4-c57dO6QGTVBwaNk"


Payload of:


  "exp": 1664743047,

  "nbf": 1664739447,

  "ver": "1.0",

  "iss": "https://*************/v2.0/",

  "sub": "*******",

  "aud": "22b52070-255a-4de8-b9ac-f6f37498e6bb",

  "nonce": "a0da49a5916f3cf9a4fc7432782dba443f7a0e5dafce19f8c919b3e6a1ef67f6",

  "iat": 1664739447,

  "auth_time": 1664699840,

  "oid": "*******",

  "given_name": "Gabriel",

  "tfp": "B2C_1_susi"


It is my understanding that there should be a key of "x5t" containing the public key I can use to validate the signature.

When I run the code below to verify my signature it comes back as invalid, which confuses me because I know the token came from AAD.

from azure_ad_verify_token import verify_jwt

azure_ad_app_id = '*******'

azure_ad_issuer = ''

azure_ad_jwks_uri = '*********'

payload = verify_jwt(








  • You should not need to use Python-Jose like you did in your self-answer.

    The recent versions of MSAL Python library are able to also return a id_token_claims from the returned dictionary. Those claims are payload that has already been validated for you, so you do not need to.