My question is regarding the use of the broadcast operator in Julia.
Suppose I have the following objects
M = [0.7 0.3; 0.4 0.6];
x0 = [100 100];
y = zeros(N, size(x0)[2]);
function Markov_bling_bling(;Trans_mat, initial_states, n_ahead)
# Define useful names
M = Trans_mat; x0 = initial_states; N = n_ahead;
# Compute the N-th state
xn = x0 * M^N
return(x_n = xn)
(Sorry for the silly name)
So this function returns a 1x2 vector.
So I would like to store every xn
as a row in y
In R I would do this:
y <- list()
for(t in 1:(N+1)){
y[t] = Markov_bling_bling(Trans_mat = M, initial_states = x0, n_ahead=(t-1))
y <- Reduce(rbind,x)
How can I accomplish this in Julia? I know that I have to use the broadcast operator in order to avoid a for loop
But I still don't get how can I store the results, should I define y = []
? What is Julia way to store results?
Thanks in advance!
It can be written in almost the same way as in R:
julia> reduce(vcat, [Markov_bling_bling(Trans_mat = M, initial_states = x0, n_ahead=(t-1)) for t in 1:N])
5×2 Matrix{Float64}:
100.0 100.0
110.0 90.0
113.0 87.0
113.9 86.1
114.17 85.83