Currently we are developing a custom framework which need to use InsiderMobile
cocoapods. According to this guideline, we will need o create Bridging-Header File to use InsiderMobile. However, Bridging-Header or Umbrella file did not work inside our framework so we have to use MapModule
with Build Settings/Import Paths
method, then the framework compile just fine.
The actual problem occur when we try to apply our framework to an application. The framework recognize all other pods except InsiderMobile
. Here our current settings:
with Build Settings/Import Paths
method is also apply,Here is some methods that we've already tried:
pod install
again, delete derived data, clean and rebuild project,Allow Non-modular Includes In Framework Modules
in Build Settings
to YesInsiderMobile
framework,None of these above methods solve the problem. Is there anyway to allow our custom framework to import InsiderMobile
? Thanks in advance.
In case it's helpful, i have found a way to temporary solve this issue. Not the best but help us unstuck the developing process. Basically, i have been trying to work with .modulemap
method the whole time, you can find the docs here. Then i found this topic, and there this guys repo. I just follow the repo with a little change on the .modulemap
file and everything work fine for me. Here's my .modulemap
module InsiderMobile [system] {
// Framework complier
// header "../../../../Pods/InsiderMobile/InsiderMobile.framework/Headers/Insider.h"
//App complier
header "../../../../../../Pods/InsiderMobile/InsiderMobile.framework/Headers/Insider.h"
export *
Cause .modulemap
file directory might change when it go remote, so i have to change to suitable path before deploy it. I know it inconvenience but it work for now.