I need to display 2 employees sales in Bar form.
I have created SfChart BarSeries and provided 2 employee details and X and Y axis values from the ViewModel. But I need to display both employees in different colors but I can provide only a single color and no DataTemplate available for each Items Bar.
First approach Code
<chart:SfChart BackgroundColor="{StaticResource BiscayBlueColor}" HeightRequest="300">
<chart:ChartTitle Text="{markupExtensions:Translate TitleSalesByCategory}" TextColor="White"
FontAttributes="Bold" />
<chart:ChartAxisTickStyle TickSize="0" />
<chart:ChartAxisLabelStyle TextColor="White" />
<chart:ChartAxisTickStyle TickSize="0" >
<chart:ChartAxisLabelStyle TextColor="White" />
<chart:BarSeries ItemsSource="{Binding BarGraphData}" Color="White" StrokeWidth="10"
XBindingPath="XAxisValue" YBindingPath="YAxisValue"/>
But I need to display both bars in a different color, so I have tried the below approach
<chart:SfChart BackgroundColor="{StaticResource BiscayBlueColor}" HeightRequest="300">
<chart:ChartTitle Text="{markupExtensions:Translate TitleSalesByCategory}" TextColor="White"
FontAttributes="Bold" />
<chart:ChartAxisTickStyle TickSize="0" />
<chart:ChartAxisLabelStyle TextColor="White" />
<chart:ChartAxisTickStyle TickSize="0" >
<chart:ChartAxisLabelStyle TextColor="White" />
<chart:BarSeries ItemsSource="{Binding BarGraphData1}" Color="White" StrokeWidth="5" Label="RowSeries"
XBindingPath="XAxisValue" YBindingPath="YAxisValue">
<chart:BarSeries ItemsSource="{Binding BarGraphData2}" Color="Green" StrokeWidth="5" Label="RowSeries"
XBindingPath="XAxisValue" YBindingPath="YAxisValue">
Here I have added two bar series and split the values into the 2 ItemSource and the output looks like this
But here Both names are combined into a single line with a comma separator.
How can I display both Names in a separate line and provide some margin between them?
My second issue is I need to display a subheader for mentioning colors with the employee name(After the Sales Category header I need to display Shubham and the corresponding color then Afsal corresponding color on the topmost left side.
Similar to this
I am new to Syncfusion so Please help me for fixing this issue.
I have asked this question in syncfusion forms as well.
I have received the response from the Syncfusion side. Solution