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Vert.x OIDC Missing scope in authorize request

I have the following code to create an AzureAD auth provider.

val options = OAuth2Options()
val authProvider =, options).await()

Now if I try to login using my browser I get the following error on the Microsoft Login page:

AADSTS900144: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'scope'.

Looking at the URL it is true that there is no scope parameter:

When I do the same with cognito instead of Azure it works without a problem, even though there is also no scope in the request.

What am I missing? Is this on Vert.x side or Azure?


  • The error message is being bubbled up from Azure Active Directory Service:

    AADSTS900144: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'scope'.

    Azure always requires at least 1 scope to be provided. Depending on how you're using vert.x you can do it in 2 ways:

    If you're using the auth API directly, you specify the required scopes in the credentials request:

        new Oauth2Credentials()
          // flow specific options +

    If you're using it from a vertx-web application you can specify the required scopes on the oauth2 handler:

    OAuth2AuthHandler oauth2 = OAuth2AuthHandler
      .create(vertx, authProvider)
      // these are the scopes

    The scopes are specific for the provider so you will need to consult Azure documentation to know which ones you should use: