Whenever I am trying to run pre-commit run is failing.I am getting errors in flake8,black,end of file,Validate filenames ,and trailling white spaces .My python code is
from __future__ import annotations
def hopkinsons_law(
magnetomotiveforce:float, flux:float, reluctance:float) -> dict[str, float]:
Apply Hopkinson's Law, on any two given electrical values, which can be magnetomotive
force, flux, and reluctance, and then in a Python dict return name/value pair of the
zero value.
>>> hopkinsons_law(magnetomotiveforce=10, flux=5, reluctance=0)
{'reluctance': 2.0}
>>> hopkinsons_law(magnetomotiveforce=0, flux=0, reluctance=10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: One and only one argument must be 0
>>> hopkinsons_law(magnetomotiveforce=0, flux=1, reluctance=-2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
ValueError: Reluctance cannot be negative
>>> hopkinsons_law(reluctance=0, magnetomotiveforce=-10, flux=1)
{'reluctance': -10.0}
>>> hopkinsons_law(magnetomotiveforce=0, flux=-1.5, reluctance=2)
{'magnetomotiveforce': -3.0}
if (magnetomotiveforce, flux, reluctance).count(0) != 1:
raise ValueError("One and only one argument must be 0")
if reluctance < 0:
raise ValueError("Reluctance cannot be negative")
if magnetomotiveforce == 0:
return {"magnetomotiveforce": float(flux * reluctance)}
elif flux == 0:
return {"flux": magnetomotiveforce / reluctance}
elif reluctance == 0:
return {"reluctance": magnetomotiveforce / flux}
raise ValueError("Exactly one argument must be 0")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
And i am getting the following errors
check that executables have shebangs.....................................Passed
check yaml...........................................(no files to check)Skipped
fix end of files.........................................................Failed
- hook id: end-of-file-fixer
- exit code: 1
- files were modified by this hook
Fixing electronics/hopkinsons_law.py
trim trailing whitespace.................................................Failed
- hook id: trailing-whitespace
- exit code: 1
- files were modified by this hook
Fixing electronics/hopkinsons_law.py
fix requirements.txt.................................(no files to check)Skipped
- hook id: black
- files were modified by this hook
reformatted electronics\hopkinsons_law.py
All done! \u2728 \U0001f370 \u2728
1 file reformatted.
- hook id: flake8
- exit code: 1
electronics/hopkinsons_law.py:9:89: E501 line too long (89 > 88 characters)
Validate filenames.......................................................Failed
- hook id: validate-filenames
- exit code: 1
Executable `python3` not found
[WARNING] Stashed changes conflicted with hook auto-fixes... Rolling back fixes...
[INFO] Restored changes from C:\Users\rehan\.cache\pre-commit\patch1664778171-18976.
Also I am not allow to change any thing in .pre-commit-config.yaml file Also I have tried adding space between lines and removing space between commas but none of them have worked
didn't actually apply the fixes because
[WARNING] Stashed changes conflicted with hook auto-fixes... Rolling back fixes...
(In addition, one of the configured hooks won't work on Windows because it apparently expects a python3
Anyway, to help you fix things:
autoformatter. Run black
on your file.These two will probably be automatically fixed by black