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How Round robin CPU scheduling algorithm deal with I/O-bound processes?

I am recently taking a course called The principle of operating system, and I learned CPU scheduling. I am confused about Round robin scheduling, for I/O-bound process, for example, the process will use CPU for 2ms and does I/O for 8ms. Will scheduler still assign a quantum to this process when it is doing I/O? Also, when this process is doing I/O, will the scheduler wait for the I/O to complete even when the quantum expires or it will just start to execute next process? Any help would be appreciated!


  • Will scheduler still assign a quantum to this process when it is doing I/O?

    Typically each task has a state, maybe one of:

    • running, currently using CPU

    • ready to run, waiting to use CPU

    • blocked, waiting for something (disk IO, a mutex, a time delay, a network packet to arrive, ...)

    The scheduler only cares about tasks that are running and ready to run - e.g. it might have a (circular singly linked?) list of tasks that want CPU time, and when a task blocks the task is removed from that list (and then later when whatever the task was waiting for happens and the task is unblocked, the task is put back on the list).

    Traditionally; when a task is put back on the list it's put back on the end of the list, so that a task can't repeatedly block briefly to get a new time slice and hog the CPU.

    This means that if there are 2 tasks and one blocks, a round robin scheduler might do "task A, task B, task A, task B" while task A is running/ready to run; then switch to "task B, task B, task B, task B" while task A is blocked; then after task A unblocks it'd go back to "task B, task A, task B, task A, ..." (starting with task B because task A was put on the end of the list and not the start of the list).

    The other thing is that tasks literally can't decide to do something that would cause them to block unless they're currently running; which means that whenever a task blocks it doesn't use its whole time slice. For example, if the scheduler is giving out 1 ms time slices then a task may block after using 0.3 ms of its time slice, leaving a remainder of 0.7 ms. For this reason the scheduler needs a timer with higher precision and the length of time slices will be rounded to the precision of the timer IRQ (e.g. if the scheduler is using a timer IRQ that occurs every 0.2 ms; then that remaining 0.7 ms left after one task blocks might be rounded to 0.8 ms leaving a spare 0.1 ms due to rounding, and the next task might actually get 1.1 ms of CPU time instead of 1.0 ms of CPU time because of that "rounding to the timer's precision").

    Also; when all tasks are blocked the scheduler's timer can be suppressed/disabled (and the CPUs put into a power saving state) to reduce power consumption by preventing pointless timer IRQs from waking the CPU out of a power saving state; and when only one task can run the scheduler's timer can be also be suppressed/disabled (and the task given an "effectively infinite" time slice) to prevent the overhead of pointless timer IRQs from decreasing the performance of the task.

    Note 1: Almost all universities ignore reality; starting with the extremely dodgy assumption that its possible to know how long a task will use CPU time and when it will block or use IO (followed by the assumption that everything happens in nicely "aligned to time slice duration" boundaries).

    Note 2: Almost all universities assume that "IO" means the initiating task is blocked; either because the disk controller does the IO while the CPU does other things, or because one or more different task/s use the CPU to do the IO while the initiating task blocks (e.g. your task calls "read()", your task is blocked and a file system task is unblocked, the file system task asks the disk controller's driver to fetch some data, the file system task is blocked and the disk controller driver's task is unblocked, then ...). This isn't strictly true in all cases (but may be true in all cases for some operating systems).