I'm sure there must be a relatively easy way to do this but I'm either missing it completely or simply can't seem to grasp it. I'm usually fairly competent at finding the answer I need but I'm having no luck. Hoping someone will be able to help.
If I have the below dictionary how do I print (or return) The key, a value from a set of the nested values, and a value from the second nested set?
people = {
"123": {
"name": "Danny",
"age": 100,
"animal": "cat",
"last_action": {
"status": "Offline",
"timestamp": 1664651202,
"relative": "50 minutes ago"
"status": {
"description": "Okay",
"details": "",
"state": "Okay",
"color": "green",
"until": 0
"number": "Six"
"456": {
"name": "Suzy",
"age": 42,
"animal": dog,
"last_action": {
"status": "Offline",
"timestamp": 1664636683,
"relative": "4 hours ago"
"status": {
"description": "Not Okay",
"details": "",
"state": "Okay",
"color": "green",
"until": 0
"number": "Twelve"
},"789": {
"name": "Chris",
"age": 23,
"animal": "horse",
"last_action": {
"status": "Offline",
"timestamp": 1664636683,
"relative": "4 hours ago"
"status": {
"description": "Okay",
"details": "",
"state": "Okay",
"color": "green",
"until": 0
"number": "Two"
Specifically, in the above I want to print (or assign to a variable for other uses) the below;
123 Danny Okay
456 Suzy Not Okay
789 Chris Okay
I KNOW there must be a for loop for this and have tried several combinations of
key for key in people.items()
key for value in.....
I've also tried things along the lines of
numbers = people.keys()
and then using the numbers variable in the for loop as well.
I'm sorry I'm doing such a poor job of explaining the solutions I've tried but I can't access my current version at the moment and I've re-written it so many times I no longer remember them all.
It's also complicated (to me anyway) by the fact that I need the three elements as variables, so rather than just 789 Chris Okay
I want {numbers}{name}{status}
You could use a list comprehension over people.items()
res = [ f'{k} {v["name"]} {v["status"]["description"]}' for k, v in people.items() ]
['123 Danny Okay', '456 Suzy Not Okay', '789 Chris Okay']
Alternatively you could just iterate in a for
for k, v in people.items():
status = f'{k} {v["name"]} {v["status"]["description"]}'
print(status) # or do something else with it
123 Danny Okay
456 Suzy Not Okay
789 Chris Okay
Or, if you want a set of discrete variables:
number, name, status = map(list, zip(*[ (k, v["name"], v["status"]["description"]) for k, v in people.items() ]))
# ['123', '456', '789']
# ['Danny', 'Suzy', 'Chris']
# ['Okay', 'Not Okay', 'Okay']
Or in the for
numbers = people.keys()
for number in numbers:
name = people[number]['name']
status = people[number]['status']['description']
print(f'{number} {name} {status}') # or do something else with them
123 Danny Okay
456 Suzy Not Okay
789 Chris Okay