I'm receiving the old and very well know error: "Can't bind to 'ngModel' since it isn't a known property of 'mat-select.'" BUT
FormsModule is imported on app.module.ts.
FormsModule is imported on the component in which I am using mat-select.
NgMaterialModule also is imported.
<mat-select formControlName="threatType" [(ngModel)]="currentThreat">
currentThreat is a string.
Dozens of google answers show the same solution: imports ForsmModule. But as you can see, FormsModule is already imported.
For what other reason could this message be generated?
Using the formControlName with ngModel is now deprecated. https://angular.io/api/forms/FormControlName#use-with-ngmodel-is-deprecated
If possible and not too much effort to redesign, use new formGroup with the formControls added, and all FormValidators in one.
A possible option I like, is to create a custom form for easy to convert back and two, if you want one form to be able to create or edit, based of data passed to a component. eg:
export class CustomForm extends FormGroup {
constructor(myDto: IMyDto) {
const myForm = new FormGroup({
id: myDto ? new FormControl(myDto.id) : new FormControl('', [Validators.required]),
active: myDto ? new FormControl(myDto.active) : new FormControl(false),
public toDto(): IMyDto {
return {
id: this.value.id,
active: this.value.active,
Then in my component
myForm: CustomForm;
myDto: IMyDto; -- init at some point or passed as @Input from a parent
ngOnInit(): void {
this.myForm = new CustomForm(this.myDto);
and html
<div [formGroup]="myForm">
<input class=""
<input class=""