I want to use Datalevin as a database for my app. The README mentions :db/id
as the identifier of entities, and I see these do get an autoincremented integer value on insertion.
However, there are also multiple mentions of :db/ident
in the source code, for example for implicit constants.
What are the purposes of the two keywords and what are the differences?
are called Entity
in Datomic.
They are used to allow for easier "pointing" to other, well known things; like an enum. So you can have the enum values as datums, but still be able to reference them via a keyword (no need to look them up every time before using them).
(def conn (d/create-conn "./tst" {}))
(d/transact! conn
[{:db/id 1, :customer-type/name "Fictional", :db/ident :fictional}
{:db/id 2, :customer/name "ACME", :customer/type :fictional}])
(d/pull @conn
[:db/id :customer/name {:customer/type [:db/id :customer-type/name]}]
; ⇒ {:db/id 2, :customer/name "ACME",
; :customer/type {:db/id :fictional,
; :customer-type/name "Fictional"}}