In the example, I saw the way of writing data in scala. Is there a way to write nebulagraph data in python?
/spark/bin/pyspark --driver-class-path nebula-spark-connector-3.0.0.jar --jars nebula-spark-connector-3.0.0.jar
df =
"type", "vertex").option(
"spaceName", "basketballplayer").option(
"label", "player").option(
"returnCols", "name,age").option(
"metaAddress", "metad0:9559").option(
"partitionNumber", 1).load()
It seems that pyspark
is already supported by nebula-spark-connector
The related issue has been addressed and closed on Github Issue #19.
If you search "pyspark" on the Github project README, you'll see some examples.
Just make sure that you set the paths to the spark-connector jar file in SparkConf before starting your spark application.
An example taken from the README:
"type", "vertex").option(
"spaceName", "basketballplayer").option(
"label", "player").option(
"vidPolicy", "").option(
"vertexField", "_vertexId").option(
"batch", 1).option(
"metaAddress", "metad0:9559").option(
"graphAddress", "graphd1:9669").option(
"passwd", "nebula").option(
"user", "root").save()