this is what i'm trying to accomplish;
With a click on a movieclip (cannon_mc) a shot is being fired (ball_mc)
The longer mouse is down, the speed of wich the ball is fired with should increase. My question to you is;
What is the most efficient way to accomplish this? With a timer or something like this;
var isMouseDown:Boolean = false;
var speed= 10;
function buttonPressed(event:MouseEvent){
isMouseDown == true;
if(isMouseDown == false)
speed == +1
The MOUSE_DOWN event is only fired once. To get the effect you want you need the combo of MOUSE_DOWN and MOUSE_UP Event Handlers.
You can set a variable to true in the MOUSE_DOWN event alongwith the current timestamp from flash.utils.getTimer()
Then on MOUSE_UP, if the variable you set in MOUSE_DOWN is true, you compute the time elapsed and set the power accordingly.
var isMouseDown:Boolean = false;
var mouseDownBegin:int;
var speed = 10;
var speed_inc = 2; // give it in per second
var speed_max = 100; // max speed possible
// add event handlers
myCannon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, buttonPressed);
myCannon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, buttonReleased);
function buttonPressed(event:MouseEvent){
isMouseDown = true;
mouseDownBegin = flash.utils.getTimer();
function buttonReleased(event:MouseEvent){
if(isMouseDown == true){
// get time between press and release
var timeElapsed = flash.utils.getTimer() - mouseDownBegin;
// reset isMouseDown
isMouseDown = false;
// compute speed
speed += int(Math.floor(speed_inc * (timeElapsed / 1000.0)));
speed = Math.min(speed, speed_max);
// code to fire ball with new speed
// .......
You can also add an ENTER_FRAME event and animate a power gauge or something for visual effect
As pointed to by The_asMan, MOUSE_UP
event will not fire if the mouse is dragged and released Outside the stage. To handle this case add and event listener for MOUSE_LEAVE
event with the callback as the copy of buttonReleased function but which takes an Event object:
function buttonReleasedOutsideStage(event:Event){
if(isMouseDown == true){
// get time between press and release
var timeElapsed = flash.utils.getTimer() - mouseDownBegin;
// reset isMouseDown
isMouseDown = false;
// compute speed
speed += int(Math.floor(speed_inc * (timeElapsed / 1000.0)));
speed = Math.min(speed, speed_max);
// code to fire ball with new speed
// .......
stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, buttonReleasedOutsideStage);