I'm having a bit of trouble with this simple rock paper scissors game I'm making.
So I want to make a the computer chose a random of the 3. This is how to code looks.
128 $array = array("Rock","Paper","Scissors");
129 $shuf = shuffle($array);
130 $computer = $shuf(0);
When I fire the website up using xampp I get an error messeage looking like this.
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Value of type bool is not callable in on line 130
Any solution to this? Thanks!
The docs says that shuffle
modifies the input array and returns true
on success and false
on failure. So, you need to check its result and if so, perform your logical operations on the input array, that was passed by reference and modified while the function
was being executed:
$shuf = array("Rock","Paper","Scissors");
if (shuffle($shuf)) { //success
$computer = $shuf[0]; //$shuf was modified during the shuffling
} else {
//the shuffling failed, you can handle failure here