How can I use the stdout of the echo command as an argument in a for loop.
echo NUMBER | for i in {1..$NUMBER}; do if [ $(( $i % 2 )) -eq 0 ]; then echo "even"; fi; done
In this example, I wish to loop over a sequence of numbers with a length equal to the integer outputted by echo. How can I do this in a single command line?
The list for a for
loop cannot read from standard input. However, you can't combine brace expansion and parameter expansion like this in the first place (a common mistake).
Use a C-style for loop instead, setting the value of NUMBER
however you like prior to the loop.
read NUMBER # reads from standard input
for ((i=1; i <= $NUMBER; i++)); do
This also lets you skip the repeated division in your original question. Instead of filtering the even numbers from the full range, just generate only the even numbers.
for ((i=2; i <= $NUMBER; i+= 2)); do
echo even