I'm using Antd Select for a project. My requirement is to use Select with mode='tags' as it allows user to create a new option, but I also want user to select only one option at a time (i.e either have a new option created or have an existing option selected shown in the select box). I tried using autoClearSearchValue but is of no use.
Appreciate the help.
Make the <Select />
to be controlled component.
I write an example, the key logic is to control the selected value in onChange
export default function MyTest() {
const [data, setData] = React.useState<string[]>([]);
return (
onChange={(value, options) => {
// update data only when select one item or clear action
if (options?.length === 0 || options?.length === 1) {
label: "0",
value: "0",
label: "1",
value: "1",
label: "2",
value: "2",