If I run the following command:
select * from sqlite_master where type = \'table\';
I get the tables I created, but also tables like: android_metadata
and sqlite_sequence
. I would like to have a function in my app what wipes the content of my tables but I rather not touch the tables the database created for itself.
I list all tables, extract their name, filter the list and call a delete from $tablename
on the list:
Future<List<QueryRow>> _getNumberOfExistingTableRows() async {
List<String> sqliteTableNames = ["android_metadata", "sqlite_sequence"];
String selectTablesSql = "select * from sqlite_master where type = \'table\';";
final result = await customWriteReturning(selectTablesSql);
result.removeWhere((row) => sqliteTableNames.contains(row.data["name"]));
return result;
List<String> tableNameList = _queryRowsToTableNames(await _getNumberOfExistingTableRows());
for (String tableName in tableNameList) {
await customStatement("delete from $tableName;");
It works, but if SQLite in a future version creates another table for itself, this would wipe that table as well.
SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name NOT LIKE 'sqlite_%' AND name NOT LIKE 'android_%';`
should do the trick.