Hi everyone so I'm creating this app where I want to get the color of an image in the center point of an image but the problem is I don't know how to plot the coordinates properly
Widget hanldeimagepixelColor(BuildContext context) {
Image img = Image.file(File(imagepathfile!.path));
return ImagePixels(
imageProvider: img.image,
builder: (context, img) {
int? imgwidth = img.width;
int xRelative = //this is where I want to calculate the point relative to the image width;
int yRelative = //this is where I want to caclulate the point relative to the image width;
Color color = img.pixelColorAt!(xRelative, yRelative);
return Container(
height: 30,
width: 30,
color: color,
To calculate center points, just divide imageHeight & imageWidth by half.
Widget handleImagePixelColor(BuildContext context) {
Image image = Image.file(File(imagePath.file));
return ImagePixels(
imageProvider: img.image,
builder: (context, img) {
double imgwidth = img.width;
double imgHeight = img.height;
double xRelative = imgwidth / 2;
double yRelative = imgHeight / 2;
Color color = img.pixelColorAt!(xRelative, yRelative);
return Container(
height: 30,
width: 30,
color: color,