I'm trying to make a outgoing call using asterisk and stasis.
From my app, i send a simple post to /ari/channels/create, like this:
params = {
endpoint: `PJSIP/${trunkPrefix}${numberOriginal}@${trunkName}`,
app: 'stasisApp',
channelId: uuidv4(),
appArgs: `digital,"${JSON.stringify(appArgs).replace(/\"/g, '\\"')}"`,
formats: 'ulaw',
url = `http://${asteriskHost}/ari/channels/create`;
const variables = {
'CALLERID(num)': callerId,
(async () => {
await axios.post(url, {
}, {
auth: {
username: '',
password: '',
}).then(({ data }) => {
}).catch(({response: {data}}) => {
console.log('Error', data);
Then, i do dial() on the channel, but asterisk sets the From parameter like this:
From: "Anonymous" <sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid>
I need to be able to set the callerid on outbound calls, i tried using CONNECTEDLINE(number), but isnt working either, also tried to set the callerid using /channels/{channelId}/variable endpoint, but when the call goes out, the From header is still anonymous. Any ideas?
I'm using asterisk 19.
I managed to solve my problem, after creating the channel I was doing another things before using dial()
method, nothing fancy, just creating a bridge, start a recording on the bridge and putting another channel on the bridge, but apparently something during those operations made the callerid
on the original channel go away, I just did an request to setChannelVar
endpoint with CONNECTEDLINE(num)
just before the dial()
and it worked.
Thanks for the help