this is for server authentication for my application. (im working on login function so dont mind about it) what i wanna do is to make server receive heartbeat from client and close client socket if its doesnt respond in a few min also i want to detect number of connections per user.
for receiving heartbeat, i can make the client send heartbeat constantly but how do you make the server decect it? i know time measurement is needed but if i put time.perf_counter() right before 'client_socket.recv(1024)' the counter function wont be executed because its waiting on receiving. so how would i solve this?
and im also trying to make it detect number of connections per user. (5 maximum connections per user) for detection, i give username + 1 when a user is connected and give -1 when the user disconnects but im not sure if the method im doing is correct or a good way to do so.
i'd be appreciated if you could help me out
import socket
from _thread import *
import sys
import time
username = ['test123', 'hongengi']
userconnect= 0
def threaded(client_socket, addr):
print('Connected by :', addr[0], ':', addr[1])
while True:
data = client_socket.recv(1024)
print (data.decode())
print('Received from ' + addr[0],':',addr[1] , data.decode())
if data.decode() == ".": # heartbeat
heartbeat = time.perf_counter()
print ("heartbeat")
if data.decode() == "test123":
print ("login success")
userconnect == userconnect + 1
if not data:
print ("no data / disconnect ")
print('Disconnected by ' + addr[0],':',addr[1])
userconnect == userconnect - 1
except (ConnectionResetError, socket.error) as e:
print ("error occurs")
print('Disconnected by ' + addr[0],':',addr[1])
userconnect == userconnect - 1
HOST = ''
PORT = 5000
server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
server_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
server_socket.bind((HOST, PORT))
print('server start')
while True:
client_socket, addr = server_socket.accept()
start_new_thread(threaded, (client_socket, addr))
import socket
SERVER_IP = 'localhost'
SIZE = 100
heartbeat = "."
client_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
#username = "test123"
#userpass = "123123"
while True:
msg = client_socket.recv(SIZE)
print (msg.decode())
One end of a socket is never "notified" when the other socket closes. There is no direct connection, so the only way to tell this is to time out. You can use socket.timeout
to establish a timeout time. Your recv
will then return with 0 bytes, and that's an indication that your timeout expired.