Hi I want to put name of the city instead of id of the city
in my data base I have id of city in my table1 and i have another table that Included id and name of the city
now I can use this code
<h5 class="urun-fiyat"><%# Eval("cityid")%></h5>
to see the id of the city but i need name of the city
i dont have city name in table1 and i should take it with inner join or some other way from table2
what should i do ?!
The general (and easy) approach?
Build a query that pulls in the "text" City value based on the city_id.
In most cases, I suggest createing a view.
So, say we have this:
SELECT People.FirstName, People.LastName, People.Hotel_ID
FROM People
that gives this:
FirstName | LastName | Hotel_ID |
Alex | Smith | 77 |
Bob | Phoenix | 102 |
Correy | Lollas | 102 |
Ronz | Howerd | 102 |
Scott | Stevens | 77 |
Marianne | Tucker | 77 |
Bob | Hamilton | 77 |
Super | Man | 77 |
John | Smith | 82 |
Princes | Leia | 77 |
Joe | Blow | NULL |
Luke | Skywalker | 77 |
Hans | Solo | 102 |
Darth | Vader | 102 |
Albert | Kallal | 82 |
As you can see, the Hotel_ID is not much use.
So, in the query builder, then we build a left join, say like this:
So, now, we "look up" by using a simple left join, and we now have the Hotel Name as a text value from the other table.
So, sql becomes this:
SELECT People.Firstname, People.LastName, People.Hotel_ID, tblHotels.HotelName
FROM People
LEFT JOIN tblHotels ON People.Hotel_ID = tblHotels.ID
And now output becomes this:
Firstname | LastName | Hotel_ID | HotelName |
Alex | Smith | 77 | Jasper Park Lodge |
Bob | Phoenix | 102 | Big White Resort |
Correy | Lollas | 102 | Big White Resort |
Ronz | Howerd | 102 | Big White Resort |
Scott | Stevens | 77 | Jasper Park Lodge |
Marianne | Tucker | 77 | Jasper Park Lodge |
Bob | Hamilton | 77 | Jasper Park Lodge |
Super | Man | 77 | Jasper Park Lodge |
John | Smith | 82 | Canadian Rocky Mountain Resorts |
Princes | Leia | 77 | Jasper Park Lodge |
Joe | Blow | NULL | NULL |
Luke | Skywalker | 77 | Jasper Park Lodge |
Hans | Solo | 102 | Big White Resort |
Darth | Vader | 102 | Big White Resort |
Albert | Kallal | 82 | Canadian Rocky Mountain Resorts |
So, do what is called a left join. I suggest a "left" join, since some of the Hotel_ID values may not exist, and we don't have a hotel_id, but we still want to include the row in the grid.