This is below a simple Class to create Singly Link List
class Node
public $data;
public $next;
public function __construct( $data, $next )
$this->data = $data;
$this->next = $next;
I am adding new Node using below...
$e = new Node( 2, null );
$d = new Node( 15, $e );
$c = new Node( 9, $d );
$b = new Node( 4, $c );
$a = new Node( 3, $b );
When i print $a, it shows
Node Object
[data] => 3
[next] => Node Object
[data] => 4
[next] => Node Object
[data] => 9
[next] => Node Object
[data] => 15
[next] => Node Object
[data] => 2
[next] =>
which is correct! so now how do i delete a node based on it's value? such as odd or even?
if ( $node->data % 2 == 0 ) {}
the final result should be...
Node Object
[data] => 4
[next] => Node Object
[data] => 2
[next] =>
You could define this method on your Node
public function filter($callback) {
$dummy = new Node(null, null);
$tail = $dummy;
$node = $this;
while ($node != null) {
if ($callback($node->data)) {
$tail = $tail->next = $node;
$node = $node->next;
$tail->next = null;
return $dummy->next;
Then in your main program, you can do this:
$z = $a->filter(function ($data) {
return $data % 2 == 0;
In your example case, $z
will represent the list 4->2