I use aggregate function to get count by group. The aggregate function only returns count for groups if count > 0. This is what I have
dt <- data.frame(
n = c(1,2,3,4,5,6),
id = c('A','A','A','B','B','B'),
group = c("x","x","y","x","x","x"))
applying the aggregate function
my.count <- aggregate(n ~ id+group, dt, length)
now see the results
I get following
id group n
1 A x 2
3 A y 1
2 B x 3
I need the following (the last row has zero that i need)
id group n
1 A x 2
3 A y 1
2 B x 3
4 B y 0
thanks for you help in in advance
with drop=FALSE worked for me.
my.count <- aggregate(n ~ id+group, dt, length, drop=FALSE)
my.count[is.na(my.count)] <- 0
# id group n
# 1 A x 2
# 2 B x 3
# 3 A y 1
# 4 B y 0