I was studying c# one and a half ear ago. And I forgot a lot. Now I want to study it again. I wanted to do
int answer;
Console.WriteLine("What is the answer?");
answer = Console.Read();
if(answer == 1)
Console.WriteLine("You are good!");
Console.WriteLine("You are dumb!");
And in the console I have this: enter image description here or enter image description here
Guys help please!!
It's better to use the Console.ReadLine(). This way you can get more characters.
To parse it as an int, you use the int.TryParse()
int answer;
string answerStr;
Console.WriteLine("What is the answer?");
answerStr = Console.ReadLine();
if(int.TryParse(answerStr, out answer))
if(answer == 1)
Console.WriteLine("You are good!");
Console.WriteLine("You are dumb!");
Console.WriteLine("You are even dumber! That's not a number!");