I have documents, each with the following structure:
"Lessons": [],
"Students": {
"Monday": {
"Tuesday": {
"CampYear": "aprs22",
What I'm after is to dynamically insert data into one of the day objects ("Monday", etc). I have the day coming in dynamically as well as a name and times. So, what the document would look like after the dynamic insert using "Monday", "PHOEBE SMITH", "1:00" and "2:00" would be:
"Lessons": [],
"Students": {
"Monday": {
"PHEOBE SMITH": ["1:00", "2:00"]
"Tuesday": {
"CampYear": "aprs22",
I thought of trying something like:
scheduleCamper(camper, time1, time2, day) {
Programs.update({ _id: targetTeacherId }, { $set: { 'Students[day]': { camper: [time1, time2]}} });
But this is wrong. Not sure how to handle this insert.
Two options:
const modifier = {};
modifier.Students[day] = { [camper]: [time1, time2]};
Programs.update({ _id: targetTeacherId }, { $set: modifier });
Programs.update({ _id: targetTeacherId }, { $set: {
[`Students.${day}`]: { [camper]: [time1, time2]}