Im running a test project that fetches data from mysql and i added two inline keyboards ("next" and "previous"). I want to display image and whenever the next button is pressed, i want to display the next picture and whenever previous button is pressed, the previous product image will be displayed. I need help How do i do it?
Here is my code
from aiogram import types, Dispatcher, Bot, executor
import logging
import utils
import mysql.connector as connector
connection = connector.connect(
database = 'awesugn_products',
host = 'localhost',
username = 'root',
password = 'root'
bot = Bot(token=utils.TOKEN)
dp = Dispatcher(bot)
class database_wrapper:
def fetch_image():
cursor = connection.cursor()
cursor.execute("SELECT img FROM Image")
rows = cursor.fetchall()
for r in rows:
r = r[0]
# print(r)
return r
async def start (message: types.Message):
keyboard_markup = types.InlineKeyboardMarkup()
text_value = (("Previous", "previous"), ("Next","next"))
row_btns = (types.InlineKeyboardButton(text, callback_data=data)for text, data in text_value)
await message.answer_photo(database_wrapper.fetch_image(), reply_markup=keyboard_markup)
async def inline_keyboard(query: types.CallbackQuery):
answer_data =
await query.answer(f'You answered with {answer_data!r}')
if answer_data == "next":
await bot.send_message(, "next")
if __name__ == '__main__':
executor.start_polling(dp, skip_updates=True)
I usually do this:
In code it looks like this:
connection = connector.connect(
database = 'awesugn_products',
host = 'localhost',
username = 'root',
password = 'root'
cursor = connection.cursor()
def construct_keyboard(data: tuple, page: int) -> types.InlineKeyboardMarkup:
kb={'inline_keyboard': []}
if page > 1: #preventing going to -1 page
buttons.append({'text':'<-', 'callback_data':f'page_{page-1}'})
#adding a neat page number
buttons.append({'text':f'{page}/{length}', 'callback_data':'none')
if page < length: #preventing going out of range
buttons.append({'text':'->', 'callback_data':f'page_{page+1}')
return kb
async def start (message: types.Message):
data=cursor.execute("SELECT img FROM Image").fetchall()
image=data[0][0] #here you have to set 1st page manually
await message.answer_photo(image, reply_markup=construct_keyboard(data, 1)
async def page(call: types.CallbackQuery):
#get value by id (page)
data=cursor.execute("SELECT img FROM Image").fetchall()
await bot.send_photo(, image, reply_markup=construct_keyboard(data, page)
Hope it helps!